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                   Privacy Policy


Your privacy is of utmost importance. My Israel Planner is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. My Israel Planner does not accept any form of payment, kickbacks, or other benefits when making recommendations. Recommendations are strictly made based on my perception of your preferences and requests, and you may follow them or decide not to. In general, travel reservations are not included in the scope of work.  If you specifically request travel bookings to be made on your behalf, I can do so at a charge to you, but I will not be held responsible for their outcomes. In the cases where you would like for me to make a reservation on your behalf, I will have to collect, use, and disclose sensitive information from you. My Israel Planner does not and will not sell, rent or trade your personal information. In addition, we do not share your itinerary with anyone not approved by you and will not share other people's itinerary with you without their prior approval. My Israel Planner is not liable for suggestions and recommendations made that incur a negative outcome.


Any questions you have about services or the Privacy Policy can be directed to

                                    This Privacy Policy was last updated on January 10, 2020. 

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©2020 by My Israel Planner. All rights reserved. 

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